Remote Notification support

Utilise the power of Notifee with remote notifications.

It's possible to display a notification with Notifee features from outside the app using remote notifications (a.k.a push notifications) in two ways:

  • using APNs keys
  • using notifee_options with our notification service extension helper

It is recommended to only use a notification service extension if you require an image or need to modify the contents of the notification before its displayed.

Using APNs keys

Notification messages sent through APNs follow the APNs payload format which allows us to be able to specify a category or a custom sound with no extra configuration on the client:

// FCM
    notification: {
      title: 'A notification title!',
      body: 'A notification body',
    apns: {
        payload: {
            aps: {
                category: 'post', // A category that's already been created by your app
                sound: 'media/kick.wav', // A local sound file you have inside your app's bundle
                 ... // any other properties

Using notifee_options

By adding a custom key notifee_options in the message payload, the notification will be modified by Notifee before it is finally displayed to the end user.

To get started, you will need to implement a Notification Service Extension for your iOS app, the following steps will guide you through how to set it up.

Add the notification service extension

  • From Xcode top menu go to: File > New > Target...
  • A modal will present a list of possible targets, scroll down or use the filter to select Notification Service Extension. Press Next.
  • Add a product name (use NotifeeNotificationService to follow along) and click Finish
  • Make sure that the deployment target of your newly added extension (e.g. NotifeeNotificationService) matches the deployment target of your app. You can check it by selecting you app's target -> Build Settings -> Deployment

Add target to the Podfile

Ensure that your new extension has access to NotifeeExtensionHelper by adding it in the Podfile:

  • From the Navigator open the Podfile: Pods > Podfile
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the file and add
$NotifeeExtension = true

target 'NotifeeNotificationService' do
  pod 'RNNotifeeCore', :path => '../node_modules/@notifee/react-native/RNNotifeeCore.podspec'

  • Install or update your pods using pod install from the ios folder

pod install --repo-update

Use the extension helper

At this point everything should still be running normally. This is the final step which is invoking the extension helper.

  • From the navigator select your extension
  • Open the NotificationService.m file
  • At the top of the file import NotifeeExtensionHelper.h right after the NotificationService.h as shown below
#import "NotificationService.h"
+ #import "NotifeeExtensionHelper.h"
  • then replace everything from line 25 to 28 with the extension helper
- // Modify the notification content here...
- self.bestAttemptContent.title = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ [modified]", self.bestAttemptContent.title];
- self.contentHandler(self.bestAttemptContent);
+ [NotifeeExtensionHelper populateNotificationContent:request
                                withContent: self.bestAttemptContent

Before, moving to the next step, run the app and check it builds successfully – make sure you have the correct target selected.

Edit the payload

Now everything is setup in your app, you can alter your notification payload in two ways:

  • Update the message payload, sent via your backend
  • In a Notification Service Extension in your app when a device receives a remote message

1. Update the message payload, sent via your backend

// FCM
    notification: {
      title: 'A notification title!',
      body: 'A notification body',
    apns: {
        payload: {
            aps: {
                // Payloads coming from Admin SDK should specify params in camelCase. 
                // Payloads from REST API should specify in kebab-case
                // see their respective reference documentation
                'contentAvailable': 1, // Important, to receive `onMessage` event in the foreground when message is incoming
                'mutableContent': 1, // Important, without this the extension won't fire
            notifee_options: {
                image: '', // URL to pointing to a remote image
                ios: {
                    sound: 'media/kick.wav', // A local sound file you have inside your app's bundle
                    foregroundPresentationOptions: {alert: true, badge: true, sound: true, banner: true, list: true},
                    categoryId: 'post', // A category that's already been created by your app
                    attachments: [{url: '', thumbnailHidden: true}] // array of attachments of type `IOSNotificationAttachment`
                    ... // any other api properties for NotificationIOS
                ... // any other api properties for Notification, excluding `id`

2. In a Notification Service Extension in your app when a device receives a remote message

In your NotifeeNotificationService.m file you should have method didReceiveNotificationRequest where we are calling NotifeeExtensionHelper. Now you can modify bestAttemptContent before you send it to NotifeeExtensionHelper:

- (void)didReceiveNotificationRequest:(UNNotificationRequest *)request withContentHandler:(void (^)(UNNotificationContent * _Nonnull))contentHandler {
    self.contentHandler = contentHandler;
    self.bestAttemptContent = [request.content mutableCopy];
    NSMutableDictionary *userInfoDict = [self.bestAttemptContent.userInfo mutableCopy];
    userInfoDict[@"notifee_options"] = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
    userInfoDict[@"notifee_options"][@"title"] = @"Modified Title";
    self.bestAttemptContent.userInfo = userInfoDict;

    [NotifeeExtensionHelper populateNotificationContent:request
                                withContent: self.bestAttemptContent

Please note, the id of the notification is the request.identifier and cannot be changed. For this reason, the id property in notifee_options should be excluded.

Handling Events

Currently, notifee supports the following events for remote notifications:


To know identify when an interaction is from a remote notification, we can check if notification.remote is populated:

import { useEffect } from 'react';
import notifee, { EventType } from '@notifee/react-native';
function App() {
  // Subscribe to events
  useEffect(() => {
    return notifee.onForegroundEvent(({ type, detail }) => {
      console.log('Remote notification info: ', detail.notification?.remote)
      switch (type) {
        case EventType.DISMISSED:
          console.log('User dismissed notification', detail.notification);
        case EventType.PRESS:
          console.log('User pressed notification', detail.notification);
  }, []);

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